How to use this blog

This is primarily a collection of recipes for home-cooked dishes.

If you want fancy, faddish recipes with expensive ingredients, this is not the place to look for them. I blog about what I serve my family for our daily meals. Running after 2 kids, and cooking twice a day, almost everyday, and keeping one's sanity, is no mean feat. I try to record what I do to the best of my ability. But as with all cooking (as opposed to baking) recipes, please understand that you may sometimes have to adjust the recipes to your taste. As some say, baking is a science, whereas cooking (especially Chinese cooking) is an art. It is not possible to document every single step in cooking a dish to scientific precision. Part of learning how to cook is to learn how to agak-agak (estimate), how to control the fire, watch for colour and timing, understand the textures, etc etc. So instead of obsessing over whether to add 1/2 tsp or 1 tsp of soya sauce, learn to understand what the end result should taste like first, and the rest will follow.

As I said, my days are very full, so please forgive me if my blog is lacking in beautiful photos. I find the whole process of taking good food photos from plating to lighting etc too time-consuming.  I have another blog (on baking), A Spoonful of Sugah, where I try to take better photos. But as most of my blog posts here are about our dinner dishes, until I can get a decent light box, an overhead flash and some decent lights, I'm afraid my photos here are not going to be show-stopping. But what it is lacking in glitz, I hope you will find made up for in my rambling content ;)

Lastly, I love talking about food and cooking, and if you do as well, please leave your comments. Better yet, if you have wisdom to share, do so. I will not keep my cooking secrets from you, and hope that you will share just as generously. If we all share and learn from each other, we can keep the tradition of simple and yet good home-cooked food alive and well.